Happy Birthday Elder Nelson
Good Bye Pachuca
Mission Leadership
Tacos al pastor!
Gonsalo, Ingrid and their son Jason
Querido Familia,
Well, what a week I’ve had. I had my birthday and so now I’m old. Also, I had changes and so now I’m not in Pachuca anymore...I suppose you all want to know where I am and what I am doing. I think I will wait to tell you until the end of the letter. No, just kidding, but Tuesday in the changes meeting I was super nervous. I got so nervous and stressed out that I got sick to my stomach. That always happens when I have cambios. I am going to miss Pachuca a lot, but the Lord has a new area for me to work. I am now assigned to labor in Campestre Aragon in the Vergel Stake. It is in about 3 minutes from the temple so it is in DF. Quite the change from Pachuca to here but I love it. There are a ton of people.
I am in a trio with Elder Gonzalez from Monterrey and Elder Cordova from Tobasco. I have been assigned to be an assistant to Presidente, and that was most definitely a shock. There are 3 assistants right now because Mission Mexico Este has to proportion an assistant for the new mission, and Elder Cordova is going to the new mission. Elder Gonzalez is going home at the end of this cycle of cambios and the mission will split the 1st of July, so I have about a month to learn everything that I need to do as assistant. I am just going with it and trying to learn all I can. My companions are really great and I am learning tons from them.
We are really busy. We had a baptism this week of a family of three that are soo awesome. It is Gonsalo and Ingrid and their son Jason. I baptized Gonsalo. They found them about 3 weeks ago, they contacted them and asked if they could teach them a message, Gonsalo said yes. They told Gonsalo he had to stop smoking and he said ok, they challenged him and his family to get baptized the 5 of June and he said yes. They have changed a lot, and after the baptism Sunday, they were all crying. The Spirit makes powerful changes in the lives of people and it is just so fun to watch. The Lord blesses us so much. We worked hard all week but we didn’t find very many good new investigators. I was kind of worried for Sunday but the Lord blessed us a lot and brought new investigators to the chapel with a member. The member said "this is my cousin, he is ready to listen to the lessons, aren’t you?" and his cousin said "yeah, I’m ready." How cool!!!
Saturday night President called us and told us that a new Bolivian elder, Elder Vildoso, was going to get here Sunday at 6 in the morning. The Secretaries went and got him and he stayed with us Sunday. So his first Sunday in the field he got to see a family get baptized, he was pretty excited to get to work afterwards. Yesterday in the night we took him to the house of Presidente and today we spent the morning training and informing him about different things in the mission. Afterwards (in keeping with mission tradition) the president and his wife and the assistants and the secretaries went with the new elder to "The Onda." It is a restaurant of tacos al pastor and alambres. It is soo good. I had to drive (no we don’t have a car, we just use the mission car when the new elders get here.) so that I could learn the way for the next group of new elders. Imagine that for a second, my first time driving in 10 months, and in México just like the crazy bus we took in Mazatlan where we thought we were going to die. That´s how they drive here. But we didn’t finish until about 2:30, so we haven’t had much time to do anything on P Day. That’s ok though because there are more important things to do.
Oh yeah and the new mission. We are losing 5 stakes, and gaining 1. We are losing Neza, La Perla, Pantitlan, Los Reyes, Ixtapaluca, and we are gaining Ecatepec. I will be part of the Misión Mexico Este, el mejor misión en el mundo.
Well, my time is up for this week, I welcome questions if I haven’t said everything you want to hear. I love you all so much. Do what the prophets tell us to do, they know what they are talking about. Practice your piano and read the scriptures everyday, and pray. I love you all soo much.
Con Amor,
Elder Nelson
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