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President Hicken and Elders Bringhurst and Nelson |
Dear Family,
What a strange
week we’ve had. But first of all before I forget I need to ask mom how much the
little PMG cost and how much it would cost to send it here because several of
the missionaries have asked me how I got it and how they can get one too. Also
I would love it if you could send me in an email next week a bunch of great
running quotes, I love how motivating they are to me and would like to read
them again. If you go onto google and type in running quotes it should give you
a bunch of them.
On Wednesday
President called us at about 7:30 in the morning. I had just put my eggs in the
frying pan to scramble them up when I heard President say to Elder Bringhurst
"I need you to go to the airport NOW!" That was that...I left my eggs
uncooked in the frying pan and we took a taxi to the airport. President Hicken’s
daughter in law’s parents are the mission presidents in the Puebla mission
(pretty close by). He had called President Hicken in a sort of a panic because
he had sent a missionary home and dropped him off in the airport....but the
missionary never arrived in Peru. We only had his name...so that made things
difficult but after an hour of running around the airport asking questions and
calling the secretaries in Puebla we finally figured out that he had missed his
flight because it had been canceled but had gotten on the next flight at 2:30
in the morning and was going to arrive in Peru about 8 in the evening. Everyone
was relieved and we got home about 10 to finish cooking my egg and go out to
Then the next
day we are out working and contacting. We were contacting next to a secundaria
(middle school) which I don´t really like to do because all the little kids
stop and stare and the "guedo." But right in the middle of a contact
a little twerp about Kolby´s size ran up behind us, (Note from Mom: he obviously hasn't seen Kolby lately :) slapped Elder Bringhurst in
the back of the head and took of running! We were too stunned to take off in
pursuit...then we laughed our heads off and kept working. Just a day in the
My Family "Tree": My "son" and "grandson", Elder Ramos is a trainer now! |
As for if I need
anything...some more pilot g2´s would be nice. I love the ones you sent me but
I am not sure if they will last the rest of my mission. Usually you think of
everything I need so nothing really comes to mind right now. Crazy how fast the
year went by...it is almost Christmas again, but it was just barely Christmas
last year. Elder Bringhurst hits the 18 month mark next week and the weeks are
just flying by so fast.
Today for P-day
we went to a plaza to buy shoes and shirts for a missionary whose family didn´t
have enough money to send him new ones. The mission has a budget for that type
of thing and we go to make sure the money is used for what it should be used
for...but I love the look in their eyes and face when they get the new stuff.
It is priceless.
I loved what
Seth wrote. It is so true...you cannot truly understand the atonement until you
use it, and see it used in the lives of others...you cannot really truly come
to know of God’s love for His children until you become and instrument to share
it...you cannot describe a mission until you live it. It is something that
shapes every good thing that will happen in my life forever after. I’m sure
that Dad would say the same and that Joe would too....our mission is reflected
in everything we do afterwards.
Miguel and his family |
Hector |
Blanca Lydia |
This week we did
divisions with the Zone Leaders in Tecamac. I love going back to Tecamac..it
just smells like elegidos. We were working up on a hill that had a perfect view
of the Mexican sierra that extends out to Pachuca. The sun was setting and
threw shadows across the whole valley. The moon was out early and there was a
slight breeze and I thought "how great is He?" God is a master of
beauty and in a view like that I realized...just as Moses did that man was
nothing. We are so small, even in just the expanse of Mexico city. Imagining my
smallness on a global level brought it even more into perspective. Yet seeing
all these people pass by my side...each one of them has a life...a wife...troubles
in the work in the family etc...Sometimes we get so caught up in our own
selves that we don’t stop to think about what an incredible masterpiece God is
weaving in the world. He knows each of the threads and wants each of them to be
with Him again. We get to be the needles! We get to experience His love change
lives, we get to see a part of His greatness. I love it so much...sometimes I
wish it would never end.
The pictures I
sent were from last week..the huge family is Miguel..Just us is Hector and the
woman is Blanca Lydia. I am also sending a separate email with a picture of me
and Elder Bringhurst and President that we took after the Zone Council.
I love you all
so much I pray for you all every day. I urge you all to help the Master in His
masterpiece...help Him put the threads in the right place to be woven...help
find people and help them get ready to accept the restored gospel. Be member missionaries
and feel of the love and the excitement of the obra misional. I love it so
much...I hope you are all doing well and are happy in doing what’s right for
the right reasons.
Elder Nelson
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