Dear Family,
Well, there goes another week. Who knows where it went but
it`s gone. The spider man bed spread was just a blanket that someone had left
in the house so I decided to use it. It`s not actually mine and I`ll leave it
there when I leave but it`s a nice blanket mientras.
We are doing well in Tulancingo. There is some agriculture where we are...and it may be slightly higher in elevation but I don`t really know. It is greener because it is closer to the ocean and the rainforest so I assume it rains a lot here in the rainy season...I guess we`ll find out won`t we? The difference is that here is a lot drier and windier than the big city. The weather is quite a bit like tri city weather...We eat with members every afternoon. It is a blessing to be able to be with them often and ask for their help and references. In a perfect world the mission leader would conduct the baptismal services, actually I think the manual says that a member of the bishopric should do it. Seeing as how our ward mission leader is not a very punctual person usually one of the missionaries ends up conducting the services. Elder Cataldo conducted this last one. I have learned how to cook several things...I always ask the sisters how to make the food we eat to know how to make it. I haven`t tried to make very many things yet because there isn`t very much time to cook but We`ll see how much I can learn. I can`t believe that it is already Mother’s Day in 3 weeks. There are a couple of members that have computers that we will use to skype home on Mother’s day....just that mom is going to have to send me my user name and password again because I forgot. We see President about 2 times a month...quite a bit less than before but I`m getting used to it. He is a great man and I have learned so much from him.
The sisters in the picture I sent were some members of our
ward who brought food for half the zone in General Conference. Her daughters
are some of the ward missionaries and they are a great family. The pictures
that I sent of the area that are greener are on the way to Huachinango and so
we don`t really go there to work very much. We have a ton of little pueblos but
we don`t go there to work because the people don`t have money to go to church.
President Monson has instructed that we grow the church from the center out. So
we are dedicating our efforts to the main city of Tulancingo and only going out
in the pueblos for references. We do have 2 sister missionaries in our zone.
Sister Valera from Colombia and Sister Vega from Peru.
As for getting the ward involved we have been trying as hard
as we can to always be smiling. We always try to animate the members and let
them know that we are missionaries that work and baptize. That gives them the
confidence to give us references. Apart from that we are trying to serve the
bishop by activating less active families and helping him out with whatever he
needs. We have been working closely with the 1st counselor because he gave us a
reference. We went and taught the reference in his house and we gave a really
spiritual lesson. He (the counselor) was crying at the end. Even though the
reference didn`t really want anything to do with it the brother just caught on
fire and has been giving references and talking about the gospel with everyone.
We have been trying to better our relationship with the Relief Society
president because some of the missionaries that were here before kind of killed
off any relationship with the ward. We are going to do some ward activities and
a "tree of life" where we put a huge tree on the bulletin board. When
someone gives us a reference we put a leaf with their name on it on the board.
When the reference is being taught we put a yellow leaf and when they have been
baptized we put a fruit with their name on it on the tree. Hopefully the pride
of the members will force them to give us more references. We`ll see. The only
reason members don`t help in missionary work is 2 things...they don`t have a very
strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ (or they don`t understand that
they are in the only true church and that anyone who does not get baptized in
it has no chance of salvation) or they are afraid because they don`t know how
to help. Addressing those two problems will fix any participation problem.
I got to speak on Sunday. I spoke about the obra misional
and Alma 42. Basically because of the fall of Adam all men are fallen and lost.
We of ourselves cannot get back to the presence of God and that creates the
need of a Redeemer. The Atonement saves us from the physical death...but it
only saves us conditionally from the spiritual death. We need to be obedient to
the ordinances (baptism) of the Gospel to be able to return to live with him
again. We are the only church that can offer salvation because the Restoration
gives us the unique ability to be able to testify of the divine authority through
which we baptize. No one else except for the Catholic religion can claim that.
Therefore we must share the gospel or all our neighbors will never be able to
go Home.
Also I sent some pictures of the zone activity we did today.
We went to the house of a less active member of our ward and cleaned up his
house and land. They are really super poor and people like that just live in we went and took out all the garbage and fixed his roof and
organized all their stuff. The mom isn`t a member and committed to go to church
this week as a result! We then went back to the church and had a training on
having the tenacity and mental strength to baptize every week. Then we had
burritos. It was a good activity. Well...I love you and pray for you and hope
you all are living up the standards of the gospel.
Hoorah for Israel,
Elder Nelson
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