Dear Family,
Well This week went by really really fast. Time just doesn't ever slow down. That is really weird that Kyle Quigley comes home in 7 weeks...2 years goes by so fast. Tell him hello for me when he gets there. Mariners’ game? I remember when Kolby and I and Mom and Dad went to one of those for my 19th birthday, almost a year ago.
Speaking of birthday...I got your package!! Sorry, but I didn´t wait to open it. Thank you soo much. I think I am going to save the shirts for when I have holes in the one’s I’ve been using. I am going to send photos of the baptism we had on Sunday. You will notice that my shirt and my tie don’t match anymore, but it just makes me laugh. They don’t look bad unless I wear a white tie, and no one really cares how you look when you are baptizing. The garments will be useful, but I think I am going to save them for when I hit my year mark. This keyboard is really hard to type on so sorry if this letter is a little shorter.
Jesus is doing really well and is really excited. He was confirmed yesterday and wants to go on a mission. He is always smiling and it makes me really happy to see the changes that have happened.
On Thursday we were walking down the street when someone asked us if we thought the world was going to end that night at 7 30. We were a little puzzled until they explained that Wednesday on the tv they some religious group had announced that the world was going to end Thursday at 7:30 in the night. I laughed really hard. At about 6 30 it began to rain and thunder and lightening...what a coincidence. But the world didn’t then they announced that they had calculated it wrong and that the world would end Tuesday (tomorrow) so we will is crazy what some people will believe.
O yeah and I also attached the picture of the leadership training that we had Friday. It has President, the two assistants and all the zone and district leaders from Pachuca, Tulancingo and Tecamac.
But anyways, it got me thinking what it will be like when He comes again. I can´t wait. I hope you are having family prayer and scripture study and practicing your piano. I was also trying to be more grateful this week. I was thinking about all the things that have happened over the course of the last two years, and about that one time when I got staph in my armpit and they had to pop it and all that jazz. I wanted to thank Darci, because I never did, for taking good care of me. She really put herself in second place to take care of me, even cooking dinner for me after the whole thing was over. I know how busy she must have been and I really appreciate all that she did for me when we were at BYU together. That was probably one of the most painful things I have ever experienced, and I am just glad to know that I have family that I can count on.
I also did divisions with a brand new elder from Hawaii this week. He is struggling pretty bad with the language, and it made me remember when I had just gotten here. How frustrating it was. It´s funny how we forget our trials after they are over, not to say that Spanish isn’t a trial sometimes, but it´s not something I have to think about every day. It is funny to think about how much has changed in the 7 months that I have been here, but yet I don’t feel any different. I think that is the way God works sometimes, line upon line, so subtle that unless you are looking for things to be grateful for and looking for the good in life you will miss. Well, I love you all so much, I’ll let you know about the changes next week, I hope that I don’t have them. I love you all and can´t wait to hear from you next week,
Elder Nelson
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