"Hump-day" package arrives!
Elder Bringhurst
Back in Teotihuacan with President Hicken
Dear Family,
We got to go back to Teotihuacan this week to see the Pyramids!! It was so fun to go back and remember my time there. We went with President and his wife and their grandson that is here to visit for two weeks. He is 19 and is getting ready to leave to the Halifax Canada mission in December. It was really different because everything was green from all the rain they have been getting. I also sent a picture of Elder Bringhurst my companion because I don´t think that you have seen him yet. Going back brought back so many memories, so many blessings that the Lord has given me. I really was blessed to start my mission there. I learned so much there.
I got the half way package!! Thank you so much for everything you sent. I put the home made jam to good use on some pancakes I made the other night....it was sooo good. Just doesn´t compare to the store bought type. I am very grateful for the charger also, I can finally take pictures again. I just kind of laughed at the hump day camel. It now has its place on my pillow everyday. Kind of strange to think how fast the time has gone by. Jacob is home...Jackson comes home in 10 months...time just goes by so fast that we have to make the best use of it we can. If you could send me more American stamps that would be nice, I haven´t been able to send my SD card or a couple letters because I don´t have stamps anymore.
We haven´t gotten any new missionaries...we usually get them every 6 weeks on schedule. But there are several that are reassigned in other missions waiting on their visas. They come whenever they get their visa and we don´t know until a day or two before that they are going to come. Elder Ward went to Wasca in Pachuca. I haven´t been there but I want to go before it´s too late. It is a waterfall on basalt columns that is really cool. It is up there in the mountains by Pachuca.
I see the mission home about 2 or 3 times every 6 weeks. President Hicken has family come and visit every couple months. His grandson is here right now and is going to stay with us to work a couple days this week. But other than that it is just President Hicken and his wife in the mission home.
This week we had some funny and cool experiences. We did intercambios with the Zone Leaders in Tulancingo which is about 2 and a half hours outside DF. President went out to Tulancingo to do interviews and so he gave us a ride. I had the thought before we left that I should grab more money because I only had about 100 pesos, but I forgot and never grabbed more money. Elder Cordon and I were coming back to our area in DF and Elder Bringhurst and Elder Gallegos stayed there in Tulancingo to work. Elder Cordon and I got to the Bus station and the Tickets cost 220 pesos, right then I remembered that I was going to grab more money and forgot. The Assistants pay for everything in intercambios so I started getting a little worried. I reached in my bag and pulled out the 100 pesos, and Elder Cordon only had 100 pesos. I looked in my backpack and pulled out every coin in there. There was exactly 20 pesos. The exact amount we needed for the bus. I also found metro tickets, so getting off the bus we went in the metro close to where our house was and took a taxi. When we got to the house I ran inside to grab money to pay him. It was a miracle. I think the Lord was just warning me to pay more attention the next time and to not forget the promptings that we get. It was very cool.
We have been very blessed this week and we have found some new investigators that really are very elect. We found a woman named Reyna and her husband Hector. We knocked their door in the housing complex (they look a lot like projects in Queens and Brooklyn) named "El Milagro." We taught her the first lesson and we just focused a lot that day on letting the Holy Ghost be the Senior companion. She loved it and prayed that night to know if the Book of Mormon was true and if Joseph Smith really was a prophet. She said she just felt all warm inside and knew that it was true. Now she is helping us to teach her husband that it is true...and she´s not even baptized yet! I can really feel the difference when we really focus on letting the Holy Ghost guide. We just go out and work as hard as we know how, and the Spirit puts us in the path of the elect and teaches us what we should teach them. It´s not a huge spiritual impression that we should knock a certain door or walk down a certain street....it is a consecration of hard work, obedience and diligence. We don´t know that we were led by the Spirit until afterwards, but we were.
This week went by so fast, I feel like I just wrote you guys. But I´ve been reading my journal and have realized how many blessings I have received and how much I have changed. I realize just how much time really has gone by. So aprovecheré de cada día, trabajaré hasta cumplir la visión que Dios tiene para mí. Agradezco tanto a mí Padre Celestial por todos los oportunidades y bendiciones que me ha dado. Daré todo por el Señor con un fuego en mis huesos que no puedo contener. Les amo un buen... (each day, I will work to fulfill the vision God has for me. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for all the opportunities and blessings that has given me. I will give everything for the Lord with a fire in my bones that I cannot hold.)…sorry for writing in Spanishm, but it is easier. My Spanish isn´t that good, but neither is my English anymore.
I am going to answer Dad´s question about splitting wards and stakes next week. Dad thank you for your letter. I love it so much when you write me. Mom you too.
Elder Nelson
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