Oh, Rats! |
Dear Family,
Well I got
the letters and pictures from last week so thanks for that. I knew that Mom
never missed a week and that`s what made it kind of weird for me. But don`t
worry I had plenty of other things to do this week to keep me busy. I am officially
going to finish my mission in Tulancingo. They announced changes today in the
morning and I am also going to stay with Elder ReidReynoso until the end. I am happy and also sad. I loved DF so much and I hoped to go back for
my last 6 weeks but I love my companion so it he will be a good last companion.
I saw the
pictures of Cameron`s graduation and I just kind of sat there in shock for a
second or two. That is just so strange. Also Elder Jordan went home on
Friday...I also thought that that was a little weird.
In Xico we
had kind of an interesting experience. Early in the day, like about 12pm there
was a little girl playing outside in the yard (all dirt and garbage) who ran up
to hill to talk to her Dad. Her Dad came out to see what or who we were and his
face was painted completely white. He was a clown!! He actually invited us in.
We had to work really hard not to laugh as we walked in the house just because
we were going to teach a clown. We walked into the one room house full of old
food and garbage and dust and began to teach. He actually truly had a need for
the gospel and wanted to get closer to God. He accepted to go to church and to
be baptized....I guess even clowns need the gospel.
We also
contacted another man about 1 who couldn`t let us in right then so we set up an
appointment to come back later that evening. The problem is that the streets
don`t have signs and the houses don`t have numbers and the colonies are kind of
weirdly divided....so we went up the hill and down the hill and across a river
and kept looking for him. Finally we found the place where he lived...and he
didn`t live there. So, thinking that God might have something else in store for
us there we began to search around and knock some doors. I spotted a house on
the hill and I felt like we should knock there so we went. The house was made
out of tarps and sticks and had cardboard for insulation. The rain was pouring
through the roof of tarps and into the house...and they let us in. They
expressed a great need for getting closer to God and finding the truth and we
got really excited because it was a large family. Then they told us that they
go to Misa (mass) every week at 5 in the morning and weren`t interested in
learning more about our church. We tried to explain but they just couldn`t
accept. I feel like God put us there to give them the chance....but everyone
has their agency and unfortunately they used their agency incorrectly. So disappointing...but
that is life...that is eternity.
The Elders quorum
is going to start reading classes so Eusevio can learn how to read better so we
are excited about that.
For the
testimony meeting we had them all gathered at the base of the waterfall and
there is a rock (the rock where we took the group picture) that kinda looks
like pride rock. We sat them all down in a circle and explained the
significance of the activity and talked about obedience and diligence and then
we each bore our testimonies about the mission and told them that the time was
theirs to share what they would like to share (in 1-2 minutes because we didn`t
want to be there all day). So one by one they got up and bore their testimonies
about the work we do and the life style we lead. It was really cool to hear the
testimonies of those who are truly consecrated. There is a true power in
delivering yourself over to the Lord. Afterwards we gave them a little time to
reflect and take pictures and things like that and then we took them down to
eat in the restaurant of a sister in Huauchinango. We ate huaraches (thick foot
long tortillas with meat and lettuce and salsa).
The Senior
party sounds fun....but I`m not one for staying up until 4 in the morning
anymore. I have been waking up at 6:30 and sleeping at 10:30 for two years now
and my body is quite used to it. That just doesn`t sound that fun....
That is soo
cool that Jackson`s family got to be there for a baptism. I would love to have
all of you come see one of ours...but that`s not what God wants so I guess it`s
not important. Well...time is running short so I love you all so much. It seems
like every other day is a Pday because the weeks are just flying by so
quickly...so I`ll be emailing you again soon. Tell all of the returned
missionaries hello for me,
Elder Nelson
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