Dear Family, July
2, 2012
This past week was a hard but rewarding week. On Thursday we
had my last zone leader council in Aragòn. This was number 17 for me and I have been going to these for so
long that I don`t know what I am going to do next month when I`m not invited.
At the end of each zone leader council the zone leaders that are going home
before the next council have to stand up and bear their testimonies…so this
time it was my turn. I have seen so many great missionaries stand and bear powerful
witnesses of revealed truth so I was a little nervous. I haven`t been nervous
in a really long time and so it was kind of strange to feel that way again. As
I stood up the precise words that I wanted came out and I felt the spirit so
strongly witnessing to me that the Lord had made all my hopes and dreams come
true. Ever since day one my main goal has been to become the missionary that
God would have me be and that I would accomplish all that the Lord had prepared
for me in the mission. I felt a burning witness that I had become what God had
wanted me to become...I obviously have much more to go and I still have 3 weeks
left to improve and repent. I am so grateful for a loving God who knows my
name, who knows my desires and my interests, who knows my weaknesses and knows
my strengths. I will forever be grateful for a God who loves me enough to
chasten me and mold me into what He would have me be. I feel like I know and
understand Christ better when He said "I came to do the will of Him who
sent me."
President Hicken is coming to Tulancingo next Wednesday (the
11th) for interviews and so he will deliver the money in my interview. That is
a cool story how everything worked out and I am glad that you got to talk to
President Hicken. He is a great man and I love him so much. He has taught me a
lot and I am grateful for that. It`s funny because he reminds me a lot of
Grandpa. They both did the same thing, they were both successful they both get
mad rather quickly if things are not perfect and they are both really wise.
Elder Pukahi was a secretary when I was assistant and he now is training a new
missionary in the area right next to the offices so I think they do divisions
sometimes so that he can help in the offices with the visas. With the delivery
of the money on the 11th that will give me one more P-Day afterwards to be able
to get a couple of the way what color of hammock do Darci and Joe
want? I don`t know if I can get exactly the color they want but I can at least
try. I still don`t know where to get one...but I know that God answers prayers
and I`m sure that I know somebody that knows where to get one. That is one
thing the mission has taught me...if you don`t know where to get it--get to know
someone that does. Nothing is truly impossible with a little creativity and
think that the analogy of being a tool in the hands of the Lord is great...but
it goes a little deeper than that. In the process of sculpting and changing us
God puts us in positions to be able to have influence over certain people. If
we don`t listen to the Lord or follow His promptings then we will not have the
proper influence or effect necessary to achieve the Lord`s purposes when we are
called upon. I am glad that the Spirit (touches people) because while I can
say words...the Spirit is the only one that can give feeling and change hearts.
Also so that you know the temple will be open until the end
of July so I will be going to the temple on the 20th!! I am so excited for the
temple I love it so much and I haven`t gone since December.
Well we have to go pay the rent and print some pictures so that
we can start working at 6. I love you all and I am praying for you. Thank you
for your prayers and letters and thoughts. My letter from my family is always
one of the highlights of my week. Until next week,
Elder Nelson
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